Our Mission:
The mission of the KC SAPP is to eliminate suicide in the Kansas City region through clinician and community stakeholder eduction, advancing science and improved outcomes by convening and supporting stakeholder organizations and mental health professionals.
Our Vision:
Our vision is that programs and services will be comprehensive, timely, multidisciplinary, collaborative, culturally, age and gender sensitive. Also outcomes will be measurable.
Recent Work:
From 2020 to present, KC SAPP has sponsored monthly webinars on suicide and resiliency-based educational content. Also in 2020 and 2021, KC SAPP has also co-sponsored the Community Suicide Prevention Symposium with the University of Kansas Health System.
In 2019, we delivered bi-monthly suicide prevention, suicide assessment, and resiliency program workshops. We also convened work group meetings with community leaders on Safe Homes, Gun Locks and Pill Storage and Enhanced Suicide Prevention.
In 2018, KC SAPP initiated a metro-wide collaboration process to unite stakeholder organizations to continue improving the integration of mental health care systems; reducing fragmentation in the Kansas City region health care system; and improve patient outcomes. Currently 80 mental health organizations are participating in KC SAPP efforts and additional continue to join.
In 2017 KC SAPP held several educational luncheon programs and a full day program on Zero Suicide in October 2017. In November KC SAPP hosted a convening of key agencies involved in suicide assessment and prevention, and survivor services.
2020 Annual Report
Background and History:
In 2003, a group of academic institutions, private organizations, treatment providers, and concerned citizens came together to consider a strategy for improving awareness and resources for suicide prevention. The group developed a mission statement and initial set of guiding principles. Realizing it would be important to delineate a strategic plan to underpin their efforts, the group focused on defining regional strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to generate this document, which defines a strategic planning process and potential participants.
In 2004 and 2005, members of the KC SAPP committee were invited to participate in a national program out of the University of North Carolina and funded by the Center for Disease Control called the Prevent Institute. At two separate meetings with the institute, the KC SAPP members were able to develop a comprehensive program for adolescent suicide awareness, prevention and intervention called Open the Corridor. In 2007, KC SAPP began identifying and collaborating with selected school districts to begin implementation of the program. In September 2007, the Center School District of Kansas City, MO, agreed to partner with KC SAPP in this initiative. One of the primary suggestions to come out of meetings held with officials from several school districts was the need for a web site that students, adults, and school staff can access for information and resources.
In late 2007 and early 2008, with funds from the State of Missouri, a web site was created to provide access to information and local community resources in a suicide crisis. In addition to the website, a partnership was formed with ReDiscover Mental Health Center to provide immediate and quality intervention services to anyone from Center School District seeking help.
The mission of the KC SAPP is to eliminate suicide in the Kansas City region through clinician and community stakeholder eduction, advancing science and improved outcomes by convening and supporting stakeholder organizations and mental health professionals.
Our Vision:
Our vision is that programs and services will be comprehensive, timely, multidisciplinary, collaborative, culturally, age and gender sensitive. Also outcomes will be measurable.
Recent Work:
From 2020 to present, KC SAPP has sponsored monthly webinars on suicide and resiliency-based educational content. Also in 2020 and 2021, KC SAPP has also co-sponsored the Community Suicide Prevention Symposium with the University of Kansas Health System.
In 2019, we delivered bi-monthly suicide prevention, suicide assessment, and resiliency program workshops. We also convened work group meetings with community leaders on Safe Homes, Gun Locks and Pill Storage and Enhanced Suicide Prevention.
In 2018, KC SAPP initiated a metro-wide collaboration process to unite stakeholder organizations to continue improving the integration of mental health care systems; reducing fragmentation in the Kansas City region health care system; and improve patient outcomes. Currently 80 mental health organizations are participating in KC SAPP efforts and additional continue to join.
In 2017 KC SAPP held several educational luncheon programs and a full day program on Zero Suicide in October 2017. In November KC SAPP hosted a convening of key agencies involved in suicide assessment and prevention, and survivor services.
2020 Annual Report
Background and History:
In 2003, a group of academic institutions, private organizations, treatment providers, and concerned citizens came together to consider a strategy for improving awareness and resources for suicide prevention. The group developed a mission statement and initial set of guiding principles. Realizing it would be important to delineate a strategic plan to underpin their efforts, the group focused on defining regional strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to generate this document, which defines a strategic planning process and potential participants.
In 2004 and 2005, members of the KC SAPP committee were invited to participate in a national program out of the University of North Carolina and funded by the Center for Disease Control called the Prevent Institute. At two separate meetings with the institute, the KC SAPP members were able to develop a comprehensive program for adolescent suicide awareness, prevention and intervention called Open the Corridor. In 2007, KC SAPP began identifying and collaborating with selected school districts to begin implementation of the program. In September 2007, the Center School District of Kansas City, MO, agreed to partner with KC SAPP in this initiative. One of the primary suggestions to come out of meetings held with officials from several school districts was the need for a web site that students, adults, and school staff can access for information and resources.
In late 2007 and early 2008, with funds from the State of Missouri, a web site was created to provide access to information and local community resources in a suicide crisis. In addition to the website, a partnership was formed with ReDiscover Mental Health Center to provide immediate and quality intervention services to anyone from Center School District seeking help.
Service Categories
Family Services
Educational Services
Educational Services
Areas of Service
CEO/Executive Director/Board Chair Statement
KC SAPP is committed to bringing the latest knowledge of how to assist anyone in Kansas City having a difficult time dealing with the challenges of their life circumstances. This all volunteer organization wants to ensure that individuals and professionals are better informed on how to identify when they or a friend or colleague are considering suicide and to know where to turn for help. Our goal is to “open the corridor” and to help people gain better access to providers who are trained in the latest successful interventions. We believe in the adage that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem and that a better solution is possible if we all work together to improve education and access to qualified mental health care. KC SAPP provides a forum where young and old people can be heard and providers and insurers can meet to develop solutions that will be acceptable and work in the various neighborhoods and communities in the greater Kansas City area. Working together, we believe that this comprehensive approach to mental health education and care will work to reduce the burden of suicide to our friends and neighbors.